Dejana's Writing

Awaken Your Mind
an original piece by Dejana Talis
-not to be used without permission-

I wrote this after a conversation I had with my roommate on the way home from hearing one of my favorite professors speak. I never really thought of a good title for it, but I submitted it to the school paper anyway.

I just arrived home after attending a session of the Last Lecture series, featuring Dr. Robert Craig. After the lecture several people in the audience asked questions involving the current state of our world and the problems inherent in society. In response, Dr. Craig outlined some of his ideas on how our social system might be improved. A question surfaced in my mind, one I was tempted to ask, but did not.

Even if we know what can be done to improve our world, is there any hope that it might actually happen? In all practicality, is there any chance that the current system would allow such drastic changes to take place? And if so, who would be the one to catalyze such a change?

Often I think about the state our nation and our world are in. No matter where people stand on the political spectrum, no one can say our country is perfect, and everyone can offer a unique opinion on what changes should be made. When I consider the problems we as a society face today, I often feel I should do something, that I should act in some way to turn things around. But as one person in a nation of millions, what can I do? Organize? Demonstrate? Enter the realm of politics? Politicians are the people who decide the laws, the structure of our world, but even so, how much difference can one person make? And, what if the populace will not support the needed changes?

The author of one of my favorite fantasy novel series sneaks in bits of philosophy from time to time. In his latest, which deals with a political revolution, the author reminds the reader that all leaders, even the worst ones, were chosen by the people. In a few lines slipped into a paragraph, the author suggests that the problems some nations experience are not because they have the wrong kind of government, but because they have the wrong kind of people. Especially in a democracy, an ignorant, apathetic populace can easily give rise to poor leaders who may do harm to the very people who selected them.

How do we protect the growth of such a harmful sector of society? As I consider this question, I realize that education is the obvious answer. The citizens of all nations need to be encouraged to think, to explore the world around them and to question what takes place in their environment. Without such curiosity, the media and the small number of citizens who are in power are free to tell the general populace what to think and do.

It is for this reason that I have realized the value of my liberal arts education. In filling the liberal arts requirements, I have enrolled in courses that stimulated me to think, to explore, to sit up and take notice of what is being done at the hands of the world's leaders and to form an educated opinion based on researched facts that I can share with others. If more of our nation's citizens took interest in this way, our country could set out on a bright new path, headed by leaders selected by a thoughtful, educated constituency. An educated populace is the key to a wise government.

I suspect this is why many of the people we, as students, have come to know and respect, brilliant individuals whose time could be spent writing influential books, advising politicians, or perhaps becoming public leaders themselves, have chosen to instead become college professors. I'm sure every student who reads this can think of at least one such person teaching at CSS right now. Only through mind-expanding education can our world produce a wise populace capable of bringing our society into the improved, brighter future that we all know humanity is capable of creating.

And now, back to my original question, which I am certain almost all of you have asked yourselves at some point in your lives: As a college graduate who has obtained the most important of things, a liberal arts education, what can you do?

-Vote. As the last presidential election showed, even a single vote can make a difference. The next time you have an opportunity to go to the polls, think about the women, minorities, and impoverished people in our nation's history who would have eagerly given up what little they had for the right that many people today so freely toss aside.

-Research. Make sure your votes are educated choices. Know the issues, and know who represents your desires. You are placing individuals in positions of power over you. Make sure they are the right people for the job.

-Question. Do not follow any behavior pattern just because someone else tells you to. Get the facts, then decide where you stand and what you should do. Never accept the media's interpretation or one person's opinion as the entire truth.

-Stand up for what you believe in. This is especially important during times of crisis, such as the one we live in today. Let your voice be heard. One of the basic purposes behind this nation is to give citizens the freedom to question their government. Remember, countless people have worked, fought, struggled, and even died to give you the right to speak your mind.

If you want to change the world, be informed about the decisions that are being made even now in this nation and in the world as a whole. And in the future, teach your children to do the same. Provide them with the cornerstone they need: education. We can build a better future, but only our children can maintain it.

The End
This piece of original work is the sole property of Dejana Talis.
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